Our mission focuses on supporting families in the many aspects they face when entering as immigrants into a new system. Some of those aspects may include work, housing, daycare, food, and other economic difficulties. Adaptation and resources are key tools for a successful development. We aim for the community to find our center to be a safe and confident space, where they feel a sense of family and belonging. Through Esperanza, we also provide clinical and non-clinical menta health services.

Resource Navigators
Our Resource Navigator program helps low-income residents in Spokane, Adams, and Grant county with unmet medical, housing and food insecurity.
The Resource Navigator will work with you to help open the doors to the resources you need to provide for you and your family. The goal is to improve the overall welfare and wellbeing of individuals and communities.
**Información sobre COVID19, GRIPE y otras vacunas:
Si necesita ayuda para obtener sus registros de vacunas o ubicar una clínica de vacunas, llámenos hoy.
Razones para vacunarse:
Para que usted y su familia se mantengan saludables.
Para mantener su comunidad saludable.
Para proteger a los seres queridos de las enfermedades.
Detener la propagación de enfermedades a las poblaciones más vulnerables.
Porque otros padres y expertos están de acuerdo en que vacunarse es lo mejora para mantener sana a su familia.
Social Work Practice
Esperanza is a culturally and linguistically attuned mental health service that reaches to Latinx/Hispanic youth, individuals and communities.
Our community center is a refuge where the community feels immediately seen and understood. Nearly all our youth, families, or individuals, experience intersectionality related to race, sexual orientation and expression, and/or disabilities.
Our families also face challenges related to widespread racism and xenophobia that exists within the white-dominant culture of social work practice.

Soccer in Latin America is a way of life a cultural identifier which is shared amongst all aspects of family dynamics. However, here in the US it is a very expensive sport that marginalizes many low-income families. Many of which are immigrant and underserved BIPOC communities within our region. Which is why The Hispanic Business/Professional Association (Nuestras Raíces Centro Comunitario) is excited to announce the first completely free professional soccer development academy in Spokane County of ages 9-13, what we believe to be the most critical ages of technical and soccer development.
A program developed by professional and experienced coaches, licensed in many federations such as FMF, AFA, LaLiga, USSF, USC. There will be eligibility requirements based on income and participation in order to serve those that really want to take advantage of the program.
Union Futbol Club will be a community program dedicated and committed to providing equal opportunities to children and families to have access to this sport whose activity is so important for physical or mental wellbeing.