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30 years

Youth & Young Adult

We have all to help people


A comprehensive youth activism & education program that provides guidance, academic scholarships and mentorship, and LGBTQIA+ support to equip youth to achieve their full potential academically, in professional careers and in their personal life. We amplify youth activism to transform community change and promote civic engagement.

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Student Succes

The long-term vision of LUNAA (Latinos United iN Action Alianza), is to achieve equity and erase race and immigration status as predictors of academic and career success for Hispanic/Latinx youth.

Nuestras Raices is convinced that centering experiences of Hispanic/Latinx youth is the only way we truly achieve this vision.

Our student success services are:

Student Financial Aid

Academic scholarships


Soccer and Mariachi scholarships


Assistance applying for WASFA/FASFA and other financial resources

Leadership Skills

Networking-membership meetings


L.U.N.A.A. Conference


6 week leadership course for youth 13-17 and 8 week leadership course college students

Fellowship & Interships

LUNAA fellowships


Assistance finding internships and practicums

Hispanic Recognition Ceremony

For over 25 years, Nuestras Raices in partnership with Spokane Community College have been celebrating high school graduates, college graduates and youth with GPA 3.0 or higher at our yearly Hispanic/Latino Graduation and Young Scholar Ceremony. The ceremony takes place the first week of May at Spokane Community College. All graduates receive a certification of achievement and Hispanic/Latino stole to wear on their graduation day to represent their heritage.


LUNAA provides a holistic approach to mentoring and engaging students through a cultural lens. It is focus on the whole person, the needs, spiritual, emotional and social wellbeing of the person. Where your family has been here for generations or you are first generation American, or you are first generation college student, we are here to guide you. Hispanic/ Latinx students are often left alone to navigate the college system and corporate America. At Nuestras Raíces we understand firsthand how our disadvantages stem from being first generation college students, children of immigrants, immigrant ourselves and from our socioeconomic status. Our goal is to provide guidance and representation. To inquire about this program or if you wish to become a mentor, please contact Li Velasco at ​

LUNAA Scholarship

We know how hard it can be to fund higher education and technical programs. Nuestras Raices, previously known as HBPA, has been providing scholarships to students since the 80's. Our scholarships are funded by the donations during Viva Vino, Tacos and Tequila, and other kind donations we receive throughout the year. Our annual scholarship opens in March and if you are awarded you will be notified and then given a certificate during our Recognition Ceremony. 

This scholarship is for students who are graduating high school and entering higher education/technical schools, students currently in a higher education/technical program, and returning students!


Requirements for application

1. LUNAA Scholarship Application 

2. One copy of (official/unofficial) high school or college transcript 
3. Two-page self-reflected essay (Spanish or English is acceptable) 
4. One letter of recommendation (academic or from a community member) 
5. Application will not be complete or reviewed until all materials are received 


Mental Health & Wellbeing

“Home away from home” Creating a space for youth and young adults that is culturally and linguistic attuned to their needs.

Our mental health services are:

Grassroots Organizing

L.U.N.A.A. is a student-lead coalition.  They are the creative force behind mobilizing which includes grassroots organizing around topics that specifically impact Latinx LGBTQ students.

Mobilizing around
Social Issues

Students in L.U.N.A.A. aim to mobilize their peers and community members to register and vote in state and local elections and become more educated and involved in topics that impact our communities.


These topics include immigration reform, migrant worker rights, civil engagement, DACA, and transgender rights.

Retrato sonriente


Every year, Nuestras Raíces Will take LUNAA students to Latino Lobby day in Olympia, WA to talk to state representative on state initiatives that have an impact in theHispanic/latinx community.


Recent initiatives have included DACA, migrant worker rights, and immigration reform.


We do not lobby for a political party or candidate. Our grassroots lobbying allow students chose the topics to prioritize, determine which campaigns to participate in or lead, and organize their work.

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